Family Owned and Operated
Although homeschooling is not for everyone, our family enjoyed the challenges and opportunities homeschooling offered. After our first year of homeschooling a family member, who worked for one of Canada’s trampoline manufacturers, suggested we “open the Ontario trampoline market”. This thought was overwhelming; however, we couldn’t have asked for a better homeschooling course, Business 101.
We would learn together how to start up a business, market our products, research potential new products, and provide excellent customer service. Our children were involved from the beginning and still work in various aspects of the business.
Our children have grown, as has our business; however, we have not forgotten our original mandate – to supply excellent quality, safe trampolines, together with outstanding service.
It is not our goal to outsell our competitors; instead, it is our desire to make sure your family is as safe as possible while still having fun. Although we have been approached to sell the Big Box Store style trampolines, we have declined because of our commitment to you! Over the years we have been asked if our sales have declined when the Big Box Stores began selling trampolines in Ontario, our response is “absolutely not”; instead, they have increased.
Once children discover how much pleasure trampolineing is, and parents observe that poor quality is costing them a small fortune, they come to Trampoline Country. We know they will not be disappointed. Countless customers have, over the years, told us that that their Trampoline Country trampoline has been the best investment they have made for their children.
As Trampoline Country continues to grow we will continue to offer you, our valued customer, the safest, strongest, most durable trampolines with the best warranty available.
We wish to thank our past customers for their confidence in Trampoline Country. Your e-mails and notes of appreciation, together with your referrals, are the greatest compliments you can give us. We appreciate each of you.
The Van Meppelen Scheppink Family